Logo designed by Kelly Roe Photography



Join us for our shows in the 2025 season!

 One stop  to qualify for Worlds and Nationals

April 7th-8th  ​- AMHR, ASPC & ASPR

 April 9th - AMHA

April 10 th-11th - AMHR, ASPC & ASPR

AMHA - April 12th

Southeastern Arena Unadilla, Ga

OBMHC is a member club of the American Miniature Horse Association  and the American Miniature Horse Registry.


Orange Blossom Miniature Horse Club was formed in 2009, incorporated with the State of Florida as a non-profit organization with the intent to provide education and recreational activities for its members and general public, especially youth, in the areas of breeding, raising, and showing miniature horses.  

All this fancy talk is just one way of saying OBMHC is here to promote the American Miniature Horse and Shetland Pony in as many ways as we can imagine!!!  We have members of all ages and from all walks of life, from Florida and outside of the state, with one thing in common -- a passion for these small equines!!  

We hope you will take a moment to discover what it is about these enchanting horses that makes them so endearing.  Whether you are interested in exhibiting, breeding, trail and at-home activities, or just minis as fine family pets, this web site is designed to introduce you to all of those activities....and ways that YOU can become involved with miniatures and ponies.  As an owner or just an enthusiastic admirer, OBMHC welcomes you and encourages you to become an active member and supporter of our club as we promote our favorite breed.